Resentment and frustration


This will be all over the place because I need to rant:

I’m with my 1 month old ALL night and ALL day besides the 3 hours my husband decides to take her for me to “rest”. 🙂. He takes no interest in her. We went to the dr and he couldn’t answer any questions about our daughter. Right now it’s almost 1pm. He’s still asleep.

I told him I wanted to combination feed but he has shown me no support. He doesn’t take initiative whatsoever. I have to ASK to go pee. Meanwhile while our child is screaming in my ear, he’s able to step away to walk on the treadmill, do his workout routine, and then take a nice long shower. When I tell him that these things upset me I get “you’re an adult- you can just ask for help and get me when you need me”

Im about done