On to Clomid round 2 and what I have learned...

Tiffany • 35 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Second girl born Oct. ‘20 on Fermara. Now pregnant naturally with baby #3
So there is some good news and some bad news..
The bad news is that hubby and I were not successful in getting pregnant this last cycle.
The good news however is in two parts:
I do believe that I ovulated on my first round of 50mg Clomid (CD 5-9).  
If you are following my story, you know that I had several days of positive OPKs in a row - my doctor thinks this probably means I had a strong ovulation, which has allowed my body to start a period all on it's own (no Provera pills! yay!).  My doctor seemed very encouraged by this.  
So, if I had a strong ovulation, why didn't I get pregnant?...Well.. That's kinda tough to answer definitively since I did not do a progesterone blood test or a follicle scan.  But we ASSUME that the follicle(s) did not fully mature enough before ovulation occurred, therefore not allowing a 'good egg' to be fertilized.  So today, I will be taking my first dose of 100mg Clomid (CD 5-9) and hope that this will be our month to conceive.
It was pretty devastating seeing the negative pregnancy tests followed by AF.  I mean, I had SO MANY pregnancy signs (VERY sore breasts for over a week, occasional nausea, increased appetite, very emotional, frequent urination, elevated temps, cold symptoms, etc.) - I was sure I had to be pregnant since these symptoms weren't just in my head.  However, the day before I got my period, my symptoms slowly started to go away.
SO WHAT HAVE I LEARNED ABOUT MY CYCLE ON CLOMID? - I cannot trust my body's signals completely while on a Clomid cycle.  I just need to hope for the best, but not think about or look into the symptoms too much (even if they are shouting at me loudly).  I need to be patient about HPTesting and keep thinking positive.
It was almost impossible at first to think about making all the efforts I did to get pregnant last month all over again, since I felt like hubby and I had done everything right.  But as soon as I started looking at the positive side of things (my naturally induced period, 100mg for mature eggs, my new associate manager job I will be starting, my loving/supportive husband, etc.) - that is when I realized I have so much to be grateful for at this point in the journey.  I am looking forward to finding out what this cycle has in store for us.  I will do everything like I did before and hope the extra 50mg is all these eggs need.
But I am NOT looking forward to the Clomid hot flashes and mood changes! Lol!
The best of luck to all of you ladies still trying for your dream babies.
I will keep you all posted.