

I’ve about had it with this brand. I switched pharmacies since I’m living in a different city than my hometown (I used to have my pills mailed to me but wanted a pharmacy here so I could go pick them up). My GYNO put in Mono-Linyah but the Walgreens pharmacy here gave me a different brand name (Mili. Which I never took)

I told my Gyn, she put in a note “no substitutions”. Walgreens still didn’t give it to me. They gave me Estarylla. I guess they didn’t have mono-linyah in their systems. I needed a refill so I decided to just try Estarylla because I may do better with it. This was in July. I started Estarylla around the last week in july.

The first month I didn’t have any side effects. The 2nd and 3rd month in, the palms of my hands and sides of my fingers got really red & I started having super dry flaky skin. I tried lotions, & sensitive skin soap. It would help for a bit but mid day the next day my hands were flaky again. In December I messaged my Gyn & found a pharmacy that has mono-linyah. I’ve been back on those for almost a month.

I am STILL dealing with super dry hands (fingers and palms, & also a rash on my forearms when I shower with warm water (which never happened before.

I really feel like Estarylla damaged my hands & skin’s moisture barrier and I’m pretty upset about it.

I’m also on Medicaid & the only Medicaid dermatologist here can’t get me in until May.

TDLR: Estarylla pills made me have really dry skin and may have ruined my skin’s moisture barrier. Do not go with this brand.