Things that trigger a Revolution - Maternity Edition


There’s a guy on tiktok doing this that inspired me. (CortlenFixesEverything is his handle if you’re liberal you’ll like him)

Feel free to add your own experience in the comments and play along!

I’m currently 5 days into a hospital stay after giving birth to twins in the good ‘ol USA. This is the running list…

I almost died this week, twice, and the room the put me in is either freezing, or an inferno no in between. Revolution.

I pay thousands of dollars for medical insurance, and will still have a giant bill to pay, yet the food in this hospital isn’t edible and my husband has to leave and bring me 3 meals a day. Revolution.

The only source of drinkable water is a 100ft walk away, I couldn’t walk for 3 days. Revolution.

I needed a CT scan to diagnose a complication after a c section, and there is a machine here however no one knows how to work it, so they wanted to ship me to another hospital before ultimately rushing me to a much needed life saving emergency surgery. Revolution.

The cafeteria closes at 2pm and nothing in this area delivers so dad is left to eat graham crackers and saltine crackers or starve. Revolution.

I couldn’t shower for a few days and when I finally could the water pressure was less than a newborn baby’s sneeze. Revolution.

There is not fridge or bottle warmer in this room so no food can be kept, including pumped milk. I have to wait sometimes 30 minutes to feed my newborns my own milk that is kept and heated in another place. Revolution.

The room I’m in has two full walls of windows so I get to watch the sun rise and set, being woken up at 5:30am is fun, and napping in the brightest room on earth is impossible, a man designed this. Revolution.

One newborn has a gas bubble showing in her xray, and the test they want to do can’t be completed at this hospital, but the one that does it doesn’t do them today (Saturday) and there’s no indication she really NEEDS this test, but they still haven’t discharged us. Revolution.

Anyone else have anything to add?