Hunter Henry Kenneth Araujo

Paige • Mom to Hunter Henry Kenneth Araujo❤

Jan 7, at 8:27am. 10lbs 2oz. All natural, no pain medication.

I was brought in to be induce Wednesday night, they gave me one dose of cytotec an I started to have a few contractions. Then when they came to give me a second dose, they checked me and I was barely 2cm. At about 3:45 I woke up have intense contractions, I got in the tub for about 2 hours, and when I got out @6 my water broke. Walked around and bounced on the birthing ball. Then went into the bathroom thinking I needed to pee once again! And while sitting on the toilet I screamed for my nurse! I need to push! She said no way! And said why dont lay in bed. As I got into bed and she went to check me.. Here was my sons head crowning! She said oh my god... And all I could say was my drs not going to make it... 3 good pushes later and my not so little boy was born 💙👣