Ariel • Married to the love of my life for 8 years❤️ Have a Baby Boy 12/28/15 💙 & expecting 9/7/18 💛
My little man will be 2 weeks tomorrow. Last Wednesday night & early Thursday morning he wasn't acting right. Example... He'd nurse for over 2 hours but was still hungry. Refused a bottle when I tried. & a cough. I took him to him ped that Thursday morning and long story short me & my 10 day old took an ambulance ride to a hospital & then after a few hours took another ambulance ride to a children's hospital. That was Thursday. He has "RSV" which is a horrible cold for babies that he got from me. I know it's not my fault but I feel so guilty. Today we were bumped up to the NICU & the doctor said to probably expect another 5-7 days. I feel so incredibly frustrated & helpless. He's so little (born at 5.7, now he's 5.4lbs) & young. This isn't how I expected his 1st few weeks😞 so instead of enjoying my new baby I'm stuck in the hospital hoping he gets better 💔