I think I just had a miscarriage need some help

So I had a blood test done around 2 weeks ago, it came back negative a few days later my boobs started getting huge and veiny I was have twinges in my uterus. My breasts were beyond sensitive and tender just a hug, even my bra hurt them..I believed I was starting to get the faintest of bfp's on hpt.. Yesterday my SO and I were BDing and I had to stop cuz something was hurting, I doubled over in pain felt like someone was tearing my insides. Contacted my aunt who was a midwife and told me my cervix may have been hit too hard, and to take a warm bath and some Motrin. The pain went away and my uterus was very sensitive all day. Then Kate last night I started bleeding and believe it was my period. I have very irregular periods.. I was up all night couldn't sleep due to some mild cramping. The. This morning when I wiped there was a sac it was covered In pinkish blood.. around the size of a quarter. The research I have done, and how the sac looked leads me to believe I was pregnant and miscarried. Can anyone shed some light or give some advice? I have an apt tomorrow