Mil problems


Ladies I want to punch my mil in the face. We never really got along until my son was born. We have made so much progress. In the last year she has started going backwards. My daughters are not my husband's bio kids. My mil has started to make a distinct difference in how she treats the kids. She always wants to talk to my son. She spends $300 on his birthday but send my girls $50 gift cards. She is always posting pictures of my son but hardly any of our girls.

The kicked is, she bitches about her mil doing the same to her kids from her first marriage.

We just moved in Dec. My husband has 3 weeks of intense schooling and then starts a job he has never done. We made is clear to both families that we do not want visitors before summer so we have schedules figured out (my husband will be an instructor and we are not exactly sure of how long the cycles are or what his days will look like). She is already asking when she can come see my son. My husband avoids his mother and I don't think it is my place to have this talk by myself.

I really want to lose my shit on everyone! I need anxiety meds!!!