TTC baby #2 for three cycles, although we didn't try that hard on the first cycle so I don't really ...

Shelby • Married since May 2011, have a 2-1/2 year old little boy (honeymoon baby!). Just got my BFP on 10/8/14 for baby #2!
TTC baby #2 for three cycles, although we didn't try that hard on the first cycle so I don't really count it. I tracked for months before we started trying because I have irregular periods and used ovulation prediction strips and began tracking my BBT over the past month. On the most recent successful cycle I also used preseed and softcups. I ovulated 3 days early which I never would have known without the ovulation strips.
​I didn't feel pregnant and was shocked when I got a positive test. I took two more tests to comfirm!