Thinking about getting my IUD removed..

Nikki💕 • •11.07.20•Bisexual•Dog Groomer and Trainer•#metoo•
I've got my Mirena Dec. 2014, and it's been great because my periods have completely disappeared BUT about every two weeks I get such terrible cramps that I can do nothing but lay in bed and sip water super slowly. It's so bad that if I eat any food, the pain from the cramps makes me puke. Since I don't have a job with a set schedule and I only take online classes, I'm usually able to take a sleeping pill and just sleep through the pain. On top of this, my strings have "disappeared" 6 times since I've gotten my IUD and because of that, I have to go to the doctor every 3 months to make sure everything is still in place since half the time I check the strings they aren't there.
Has anyone else experienced this? Did it last the entire life of the Mirena? Do you guys think it would be better to get a different form of birth control?