Transitioning LO

Nyleve • Mama to 4 & 5 y/o boys and a Newborn Baby Girl 💙💙💕
After my son's first couple of nights home from the hospital, it became clear he did not want to sleep in the Pack n Play. We purchased a Rock n Play and it was working great, he was sleeping up to 4 hours in it overnight (average 2.5-3 hrs). Now at almost 6 weeks, he absolutely refuses to stay in it after a transfer, even when swaddled(growth spurt). The most he'll stay in it is 1 hour overnight. I gave up and started co-sleeping. I've determined that I don't want my son to get used to that so I will continue to try to get him sleeping in his Rock n Play despite his numerous wake-ups. I'm thinking it'll be easier to stay up overnight while I attempt this. So it'll be long nights in hopes it'll work. I need some good caffeine and to catch up on my DVR'ed shows lol. The point of this post is to see if anyone else is currently attempting to get their baby used to sleeping (transitioning) in Rock n Play, Bassinet, Pack N Play, Crib, etc. I am looking for support. TIA, have a blessed day 😀.