Seeing a therapist/need someone to talk to.

I moved to a new state about a year ago for a really important (sometimes stressful) job. My boyfriend moved with me at that time, who I have been having issues with for the past 6 months or so, and I am now feeling like I need to end the relationship (overwhelming distant feelings/just too much damage has been done)
I am the only girl at my job in my position surrounded by a ton of guys. They're all from the small town I work in, their wives work below us and have kind of outcasted me and have told their husbands not to talk to me, since I am "younger and prettier" (so I have been told by a good friend who is a coworker)
I just feel so alone, like I have no one to talk to. I scheduled an appointment with a therapist this week because I feel like I've hit rock bottom. I am usually a social butterfly, make friends easy & never have issues like this... Hell I even try calling my parents and I just feel like I annoy them by venting. 😢
Has anyone gone through anything like this ? I am hoping talking to a therapist will help.