Hi everyone. According to my u/s last night my baby is measuring 6 weeks 2 days. I have had spotting off and and on for 2 weeks that turned into episodes of bleeding. Had my first OB appointment 9 days ago. We saw an empty sac measuring 4.5 weeks and hcg of 6860. Went back 5 days later due to bleeding and saw a sac and yolk sac! Hcg 9216. 3 days after that (yesterday) I went to the ER with cramps and bleeding and they found a subchorionic hematoma explaining the bleeding. Said it was away from baby and not a huge cause of concern. They also saw the fetal pole this time with a flicker! It was too small to get an accurate heartrate. 3 times it didn't measure at all and once it said 86. I was so relieved, even though the report officially stated no cardiac activity confirmed, since I seem to be progressing appropriately with each u/s. My issue is when the hcg came back it had gone from 9216 to 9140 in 3 days time. It's a tiny drop and from two different labs so I don't know how concerned I should be. My levels hadn't doubled as they should since the first draw 9 days ago and now this. But everything on the u/s suggests a healthy developing baby for this early. In fact the ER doctor wasn't concerned at all until I told him my previous hcg level. I figure if I'm trying to miscarry I wouldn't continue to see new developments on every u/s. I will call my doc first thing in the morning and follow up with them. I'm just wondering if anyone has any insight as to what could be happening. This is my 4th baby with no prior complications or miscarriages and the first time my hcg has been monitored. Do you think mine could just behave differently? Or could there be a small discrepancy since it was 2 separate labs? Any advise or experience would be much appreciated. Thank you!