Am I wrong?

So my husband was off work yesterday. (Worked Sunday night but usually sleeps a few hours when he doesn't work next day which he did, till 9:30.) I work 7-3:30. He should of picked up out son from the babysitter which he did not..... So I cancel my grocery shopping to go pick him up. I get home and he's messing around getting stuff ready for a fishing trip and has been ALL day. I let it go thinking as soon as I got home, he would come in the house and help me cook, clean and take care of our son. I know it's not hard to do All that but I have a stressful and physically demanding job and I'd like to just take a break when I get home for a few minutes. I finally b*tch at him and tell him how I feel. This sort of thing happens a lot, I work and he's messing around with his "toys". (Keep in mind, I cooked supper, cleaned the house, gave our son a bath) so after I bitched he calls the babysitter who is his mom to come get our son cause I need a break.(she normally gets him at 8:30pm, but came at 7pm) Really?!!! That right there pissed me off. Would you be mad? Is anyone else's SO other like this? Also keep in mind, he's gone till Friday so I have to do this all on my own... Which I don't mind.
*he came in the house to eat quick and that's the longest he was in there till 10pm. I did not get to sit down all night because he was out there all night messing around. I feel that is unfair. And he works 3 12 hour days a week so had plenty of time to do all this.