So emotional - can't stop crying

Everyone around me is announcing their pregnant, having a baby soon, or already had one. I am going to be in the waiting room on Friday for the birth of my very close cousins baby and can't wait to be there to hear girl or boy! Yesterday I just went out to dinner with my best friend and she told me she is 14 weeks pregnant.
When she told me I started sobbing with excitement and happiness. Since yesterday I cannot stop crying.  Literally every time I talk about her being pregnant or think about it my eyes well up with tears or I really start crying. I am extremely happy for her but wonder if my emotions are so high due to me wanting a baby so badly and wishing it was me who gets to announce "I'M PREGNANT". How do I lift my spirits???
We haven't even been trying very long for a baby to have these kinds of feelings but have had baby fever a long time.  I wonder if I'm also just PMSing (wa waaaa). Supposed to start my period tomorrow and really hoping it doesn't show. 
Venting kinda helps.