What they teach you in sex Ed

My whole life I've gone thinking getting pregnant was the easiest thing on earth. That you can just look at a "boy" and get knocked up. Now I'm an adult and have been taking different types of hormonal birth controls since I was a teen. I've taken the pill and my last form of birth control was the shot. After a year off the shot, I'm just now getting a period and have no idea if I will even ovulate. In the future I do not want to take any birth control that is going to mess up my body. I've heard of the rhythm method and would be willing to try it. Has anyone ever tried this before? And also I know a lot of young people who have children and even when I was in high school had children. Do people just have sex 3 times a day to achieve pregnancy or its just truly a miracle with exactly the right circumstances to have sperm meet egg?