A letter to the baby I'll never meet

After 10 weeks I miscarried my baby that stopped growing at 6 weeks. It's been 3 days and I am still finding my way through the grief. I wrote this letter to cope and find some peace amidst such pain. 
"Dear baby,
Oh how I long for you. I miss your presence inside of me. I had hoped you would grow to be strong and healthy. I had such big dreams for your future. I long to be able to see and hear your little heart beating. I want to feel you kicking around inside of me. I want to hold you and kiss you and tell you how much you are loved. I want to look into your beautiful little eyes and see the promise of hope. I want to feel your little fingers around mine. 
I'll never know why you were taken from me so soon. I know I did everything I could to protect you. Your life was much too short, that I do know. I am so sad I'll never get to see you grow up. I'll never get to kiss your boo boos. I'll never get to protect you from the monsters in the closet. I'll never get to enjoy your sweet snuggles or your little kisses. I dreamt of all the blessings you would bring from the moment I found out you were inside of me. You are still so loved. 
Although there was so much we never had together you still impacted my life and my heart. The absence of your life has brought me to tears and a pain I never knew existed. But the presence of your life will always remind me of the purity of love and the bond between a mother and baby. 
I hope one day we will meet again and I can hold you and tell you that I love you. I will always love you. 
Forever and always,
Your mother "