I feel like I can't survive anything else negative

So I got pregnant even though I didn't think I could I found out I was pregnant and within a week I miscarried then I was told I had fibroids. I was in so much pain I had a myometomy to remove them thinking I could prevent any further complications if I get pregnant in the future I've been trying since then and it hasn't worked went to the gyn to make sure I was ok to conceive and he referred me to see if my tubes were blocked I then learn I have 6 eggs total 4 in one ovary and 2 in the other I am 33 years old and I then do a test to see if my tubes are blocked worst experience ever I have my right tube blocked and something else is low. So my chances are i can't have kids worst nightmare come true. I probably can't Even do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> because my chances are low. What a way to start my 2016. I can't stop crying