I'm pregnant

I'm pregnant! It's been quite a journey to get here I should have started my period on the 8th I had a little tiny pink spot of the toilet paper Friday night so I was bumbed figured i'd start any time now by Sunday I still hasn't started so I told my boyfriend then next bathroom trip a little pink spot on the toilet paper Monday am I still hadn't started so I took a preg test it was negative I went to the doctor Tuesday and they tested me neg again and he did an ultra sound to see if I had cysts on my ovaries again he said everything looks great but your not preg so take this med for a week to reset your cycle I said ok he then said if you are preg your just not far enough along to see if on ultrasound and to come back in if I hadn't started within a week of taking the pills to reset things he said the meds wouldn't affect the baby or pregnancy at all if I had conceived today I'm going to chiropractor so I thought huh I better test before I dunno why I had that feeling but I did so I just tested and it is BFP 😊 very excited we tried using pre-seed for the first time this last cycle and it worked! we see the doc next week!