Lost our June baby yesterday and heartbroken

On Monday I went in for my regular 18 week checkup. The doctor could not find a heartbeat, so I knew something was wrong. They got me in for an ultrasound an hour later and confirmed the worst. The baby was measuring 15 weeks. At my 14 week checkup there was a strong heartbeat, and just a week later it passed? This is just so hard for me to accept. Especially since I had no symptoms of a miscarriage, this all came as such a shock. I had to go to the hospital that day to be induced for labor, which ended up taking almost a full 24 hours for the baby to deliver. Just such an exhausting and painful experience, physically and emotionally. I hope I'm not scaring anyone, that is not my intent, I guess I am just looking for some support from any one out there that had a miscarriage after 12 weeks like me. I know it's nothing I did, this baby was not meant to be, I just don't know how to move on from this.  I'm 32 years old, and this would have been our first. Now I'm scared to have another, for fear this may happen again. I guess we'll both heal in time, my husband is taking it just as hard as me. Thanks for listening.