
My anxiety is acting up and I'm worrying about the fact that my period hasn't started (according to Glow, it was supposed to start 2 days ago), even though I've been incredibly stressed out the last two months and my period tends not to be regular (like they'll be pretty regular for a while, but they tend to skip from one part of the month to another and I've even gone six months without one; back then I wasn't sexually active, so that wasn't a concern, but now I obviously am. My boyfriend and I have been sure to use condoms after a pregnancy scare in November, but I can't help but worry that that's why I'm late, especially since condoms aren't 100% effective. As much as I hate my period, I could really use it right about now for my peace of mind. Unlike last time, I'm not having symptoms, though. Oh, and I know I should get on birth control, but everything has been so up in the air that I haven't been able to make an appointment for that. Sorry, I just needed to vent.