Can anyone help please??



(TMI pic added below.)

My "period" started January 13th, it was light pink spotting, even had sex & didn't bleed at all during which is very usually for us. It got heavier afterwards like a light reddish brown period & bright red at times too then fades back to light pink spotting. It wasn't enough to even fill up my tampons, or a panty liner. I had no cramps, back ache nothing like the usual pms I have and this was ON & OFF not the continuous flow. I would bleed then stop for hours then start again, then stop, then start again & it lasted about 4 days. Ending officially on the 18th since the last two days it was literally just brown & pale pink spotting. Currently I'm having a gush of watery discharge kinda like I peed myself but didn't, and pink stretchy discharge when I wipe at times and this left sided pain between my ovary & uterus.. I am not ovulating as you can see by the test. Any idea what this possibly be?? I don't have an appointment until the 29th..

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The pic of the test isn't very clear 


Madison • Jan 21, 2016
Hmm I would say probably not pregnant then. Wait and see what your next cycle is like.


Br • Jan 21, 2016
I don't think I can get a good picture of it, but it'd definitely negative.