Birth story - diabetes & induction vaginal

Introducing Baby Bryce Emmett Bertrand born on 1/15/16 weighing 6lbs, 15 ounces. Feeling very blessed!!
I received misoprostol Thursday morning, but was 2 centimeter dilated and 75% effaced was sent home from hospital w Mild contractions came back Friday morning to receive pitocin & was experiencing intense back labor contractions. They gave me pitocin and 5.5hrs later I went from 3 centimeters to 7 centimeters. At that point I demanded the epidural. I labored down for 2 hours which moved him from sunny side up to regular and then had active labor pushing for about an hour and a half. All in all about 10 hours of labor.
Here's is my lil masterpiece - his hair has been the talk the the town. Infant wolf 🐒