Irregular bleeding when TTC - Cancer? Miscarriage?

Kelli • Happy housewife and writer/artist. ^_^

Hi everyone. Been using Glow for awhile and thought I'd check out the Community and ask for some advice. My husband and I have been TTC for about 6 months now, and about 3 months ago I started getting some really alarming irregular bleeding that we think may indicate something serious. It stopped for about a month or so and now has begun yet again. My husband is pushing me to make an appointment with an OBGYN, which I know I need to do, but honestly I'm a bit nervous of what they might tell me.

The bleeding doesn't seem to be my period, but it is similar in flow, etc. It starts at totally random times, seems to usually be the day after sex. I'm pretty sure its not my period because I don't get cramps with it like I usually would and this time it started in the middle of my cycle, like 2 weeks early. Last time it lasted for like 3 weeks or so, which is obviously totally not normal. My periods usually only last about 5 days.

I'm about to be 27 with no kids, and I'm so scared that the doctor will tell me I have ovarian cancer and/or something else wrong that will prevent me from ever being able to be a mommy. Anyone else have similar issues? It seems to happen when we think there's a good chance of pregnancy, so I'm guessing it could be miscarriages. I've had one before and did bleed for weeks but I remember it being a lot more painful, with lots of cramping, not like this.

The first thing that seems to come up on Google is ovarian cancer. I'm scared. :(

P.S. I forgot to mention the blood clots. They seem to be getting worse.