Laying down

So, I usually stay up pretty late. Like 1 or 2 lately. I go to my room around 10 or later and lay down under the blankets because it's cold. Then I read or play my phone games. I wake up at 8 to pee then go back to grandmother came in before 11 to tell me my baby won't be healthy if I lay around for 12 hours. Is that true?
I've been walking around. We live in a small town and all our snowmachines are broken so I walk to get places. Aren't some woman stuck on bed rest for months? I'm just curious. 
My grandmother isn't that thrilled when I tell her about what's new with my baby. She says thousands of woman have babies everyday. Sometimes it's kind of depressing. The father isn't with me right now, he's in his town trying to get a job.