Had to post this!!!

I just couldn't hold it back anymore!!! I'm 18 my SO is 22 and we've been TTC for 3 months now. As any 18 unmarried female I was nervous to tell family because of the outcome and responses I would receive. But today my mom finally found out. It might not have been the best way, it was over a text and she was asking me because of previous morning sickness and was curious if we were trying and I finally told her yes. And to my surprise she wasn't angry, she said she was ONLY agree because of how we lied about other things like my BC and "broken condoms" that really just weren't there. So I feel so good now that she knows!!!! I'm not pregnant so I have no idea what the morning sickness was because 2 tests both said negative so that's a different story. But I'm so happy my mom finally knows!!!