Is this considered forceful or?

So a couple years after a breakup
I had my first break up and I was so distraught and not myself and felt like I was going crazy I was so sad I was so emotional everything and one night a mutual friend pick me up to talk to me and hang out and I started crying and I was calming down he asked me to give him a blowjob I kept saying no over and over that I don't want to but then he's are driving around and look for spots to do it
I think I agreed only to shut him up...? Idk I was so emotional and distraught 
He tried to get me to have sex and I said no and he kept asking for a blowjob 
I remember say no over and over again but he kept hassling me so I finally did it only a little bit and I remember crying while doing it and then he came and I moved
And he drove me to my friends after and told me not to worry so much about my ex that I would be fine
Would that be forceful and considered something?
I don't know why you kept making me do it I literally felt drunk of a motion and distraught as hell that I just agreed to it because he wouldn't stop hassling me