Scheduled C-section

Why do I see so many planned C-Sections? 
I am curious do women just choose to have one? Had a previous one? No VBAC? It seams to be a very casual thing, why? Sometimes C-sections are nessicary, but I believe the rate here in the US is way too high.  What is your reason for receiving a c-section. 
Thanks to everyone who responded! (To those of you who are offended I really do not care, but this was simply your of curiosity and the fact that c-section rates have been on the rise. I hate that this is such a touchy subject, it shouldn't be. C-sections are sometimes nessicary, It wasn't questioning if yours was or not, just a general question.)  Where I am located I have found that many doctors push for c-sections early. We have a few that let you elect to have one without a medical reason as well, these instances blow my mind, I can not imagine that having surgery is easy, and I can only imagine how difficult a c-section recovery is.) I may end up having one this time around if my baby doesn't flip, I have an anterior placenta, and he is still transverse. We are working with some exercises from spinning babies, and I am hopefully he will still turn (I'm only 30 weeks) but realistically I know a c-section is a posiblilty. Though I would be extremely upset to receive one, mostly because it is a major surgery, and the recovery. The most important is always a healthy baby & mamma! Good lucky to you ladies, again absolutely no judgment- was just a question.