How to check to see if I am dialated?

I am 32 weeks 2 days. How can I check myself to see if I am dialated ? Ftm here sorry!
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There's pictures online you can look at, but I agree with Sabrina, since you don't really know what you're feeling for it's best to wait and ask your dr


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It's not a great idea to do it yourself since many doctors prefer a sterile glove to check a cervix (there's a small risk of introducing bacteria during a cervical check and causing infection). Regardless, 32 weeks is really too early to check anyway unless you're having a lot of symptoms. I'd wait on your doctor; they usually start checking around 36 weeks


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I heard it's better to leave that to your doctor.. You don't wanna chance any bacteria getting up in there. 


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I'm a nurse and I taught my SO how to do cervical check and checking for fetal presentation and position. You can't actually do it yourself, you needed someone to do it for you. Make sure to have that person use sterile gloves and KY jelly before doing the procedure. We use our fingers or the tip of a finger to estimate the cm of dilation. You can also asses if the cervix is closed, dilated or starting to soften. It's honestly not that hard to do. Just make sure you practice a sterile technique to avoid contamination. But not everyone can have this procedure done due to some complications or if it's contraindicated. So I suggest if you're not that confident to do it at home, just have your OB or midwife perform it. 👌🏻


Posted at
I don't think you can really accuretly check yourself especially since you don't know what your feeling for. If you want to be checked just tell your doctor to do it at your next visit(: