I'm finally pregnant! Fertilaid and Preseed worked for us!

Hi everyone! I've been a member of this app for a long time but this is my first post. I am 29 and my boyfriend is 31. Last night I got my very first positive test. I'm not sure how long exactly we've tried to conceive but I know it's been over a year. I've taken millions of tests, always negative. I never thought it would happen for us because the odds were against us but we did it😊 
He was born with undecended testicles on both sides and he had surgery as a teenager, which lowered his sperm count. I always had irregular periods so tracking my ovulation was very hard sometimes. After we tried for a few months with no success, he took Fertilaid vitamins to increase his sperm count. We also used Preseed twice during my last fertile week. And it worked! December was our first time trying these methods and here we are. 
I just wanted to share my story incase there's someone out there going through the same thing. Give these methods a try if you haven't already. Anything is possible. We are so happy we were able to conceive naturally without expensive fertility treatments. Thank you for reading my post and I wish everyone the best of luck!