So pissed!!!!!!!!!


I've ALWAYS had a 28 day cycle, so when the 17th came and went without a period, I was confused but thought I might be a day late. Then another 2 days went by and I thought, "omg, could I be prenant?", but I still wasn't getting my hopes up. Last night I had really started getting somewhat excited about th3 idea because it marked almost 6 days of being late. So this morning I grabbed my pregnant test and sat on the toilet and BAM, right in my face, AF was there. I still took the test in hopes it was just implantation bleeding but nope...the test was negative as can be.

I had accepted it wasn't my month on the day my period was due, but now I'm filled with anger and sadness because it was all an awful trick!! I know it was only the 2nd month I was trying, but those signs were real to me and it's still sad.

Idk why I even posted this cause nobody will comment and I'll only get views like always.

Escuse me while I go bawl my eyes out... 💔