dear husband

I married you at the age of 20 and we moved into your home. Now that I'm pregnant it's extremely hard for me to be around everyone else as most of the time I'm emotional. I know I've hurt you in the past and it will take a long time for you to forgive me but I'm very lonely and soon you will be going to campus to finish your degree and leave me here yet every weekend you don't spend with me. Always out with other people as if I don't exist. Sometimes I feel regretful that I fell pregnant with you. Although I'm very excited about our baby. You saw me crying in the morning and you left without asking if I was okay just because I was too tired to iron you shirt. I'm a new teacher . I work everyday. You don't work and stay home all day yet you expect me to do the wifely duties of cooking, cleaning , ironing and having sex on a regular basis. But i'm tired and quite frankly since you're not back at school and home the whole day you can iron your clothes too. I'm so tired of feeling like I don't do enough for you and I'm tired of feeling like I'm not a good enough wife. This is a very hard time for me and you don't cater for my emotions at all. When you come home late at night you wake me up for sex but you hardly talk to me about my emotions. When I get upset because I've had a long week and just want to sleep without any disturbances you don't talk to me the whole day. I'm scared this marriage won't work out. I'm even more afraid that baby is now in the picture. I don't deserve this at all. You make me feel so worthless.