Potential high risk pregnancy or high risk pregnancy mama's

Is there a group for potential or high risk pregnancy's? I have two sons one 13 and the other 5. I had unexplained fertility the Drs  said between my first  and second son, hence the 8 year age difference. I got pregnant naturally with my Ben. A week after I had my youngest I had a mini stroke that left me in ICU for 11 days. Luckily I made a full recovery. I thought I was done with babies but unfortunately I got divorced after the stroke and 8 years of marriage. I was blessed to find my new husband ( as of NYE 2015) he has no children. We have been to all my Drs-- cardio, neuro, obgyn ect and all are confident I can get pregnant but will be high risk. Has anyone had or will have similar situations? I have searched for support groups for women who have had the same issue - I know that they are out there!  If this isn't the right spot please point me in the righ direction. I would have 5 more babies if it wasn't for the stroke. I loved being pregnant and having babies. I want more then anything to be healthy and have a baby with my awesome new hubby💗💗 thanks in advance !