Has our time finally come.....?


I don't usually write these sort of things but felt I should share for all of those out there who are and have struggled.

My husband and I decided to start trying in November 2013 having been married for a year. We conceived in January 2014 and sadly I miscarried on 21st March 2014 we were devastated it was a horrendous experience and I ended up hospitalised through loss of blood.

Stupidly we assumed we could conceive quickly like before, but to no avail. We tried ovulation tests but I felt they were making me go insane, but I kept taking my supplements. Every month I would over analyse my pms symptoms and be gutted when it arrived. I had tests for pcos which were all clear l. My husband had tests too in October 2015 (we waited as I thought it was me that had the issues) we found out he had 97% abnormal sperm, the ones that were normal had low mobility. Following this he stopped smoking and we did some research and he increased the number of tomatoes he ate and took zinc, Korean ginseng and vitamin c.

The doctor offered us to go on the list for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> but I may need to loose a few pounds... Which I knew anyway l, where we live has strict specifications. But we decided to look at adoption, we received the paperwork in November 2015 I wanted to wait for the new year to go to a meeting as I wasn't sure emotionally I was in a good place for it.

We both love Christmas so thought we would have a good one and went away mid December together to do the Christmas markets. From new years day I felt grim and has some strange symptoms... Inside I was getting excited but didn't want to get my hopes up like before. So I did a test as I had some training at work coming up that if I was pregnant I wouldn't be able to do. Immediately a cross came up... I had a positive test.

I am now 7 weeks pregnant and have an early scan tomorrow. I am terrified it will go wrong and I can't deny I don't check for blood everytime I use the toilet and that when I wake I don't immediately check I am not covered in blood like before. I will take it easy and I am lucky that my husband is supportive through this time.

What I am trying to say in a long winded way is maybe putting all the pressure on ourselves was partly why we struggled so much to conceive again. When we stopped trying and enjoyed one anothers company it happened. Good luck to all of you ladies out there I hope this post gives you hope. I know when I have read others in the past I have felt reassured that it wasn't just us struggling especially when all of my friends have had children in the time we have been trying. You are not alone out there xxxx