Hi so I was on birth control a few months ago but I started gaining weight / getting moody / didn't like it so I'm off now. While I was off I didn't have sex (I'm single af lol) well I recently met this boy and it's getting kind of serious. So long story short we were drunk and had sex but we didn't have s condom... We had sex for literally one minute then I made him stop cause I wasn't about having a baby. Ever since we have used protection. I didn't think that anything was going to happen because we didn't have sex that long and he for sure didn't cum in me. Buttttttttt now my period is 3 days late and I'm literally freaking the fuck out ......... I've had all my normal PMS symptoms.. Nothing out of the norm. I've been reading up on the difference between PMS and pregnancy symptoms and I really feel like I'm not Preggo.. I recently started a new job // college // working out a lot so I feel like I'm just super stressed out and I know that can cause your period to be late too?? Idk someone tell me what to do or make me feel vetter 😁😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓