Overwhelmed Teen

I've been reading everyone's stories and looking at all these sonogram photos on here and it's so overwhelming. I just found out I'm pregnant, I'm about 10 weeks. The babies dad and I broke up when he left for army basic training and he's not coming back till may. I'm sending him a letter but I don't know how he will handle this. I told both my parents, my mom is so happy and wants to be a grandma and have me move with her or even adopt my baby. My dad wants me to stay here and have the baby and goo back to school while he babysits and raises the baby. Everyone feels like there pressuring me and honestly idk if I wanna be a mom. This baby deserves a good life and I don't think I can give it that. I wanna put the baby up for adoption to a loveing family but niether of my parents will let that happen. I don't want the baby raised by my prarents, I want my baby to have a nice stable family.