I think i have preeclamsia

Hello ladies so I am looking for signs or symptoms of preeclamsia. Since Saturday evening I have been feeling off it started with some slight chest pains I thought it was acid reflux from eating spicy food. Then the dizziness came and I started seeing spots like purple and yellow colors. That was Saturday night. Sunday I woke up okay but got worse through out the day. It non stop vomiting to the point I couldn't even drink water without throwing it up. Yesterday I went to the doctors I was feeling a bit better but still wanted to go just in case. Dr said everything checked out good with baby and that it was probably just something I ate. She gave me medicine for the nausea. The nausea hasn't went away I have a horrible headache. I've been looking up signs and symptoms of preeclamsia. And I'm pretty worried I might have it. I do have a doctors appointment with my OB tomorrow and will definitely let her know. Other than these symptoms I don't have any puffiness or swelling. Am I being a worry wart? Or are these regular symptoms of pregnancy for the 3rd trimester. I'm 27+2 and a ftm so I'm not really sure what to expect.