My bodies acting weird

Sabrina • Due in July <3
Im 22 and im trying to conceieve.  At the beginning of my last period I had sex that morning.  Immediatley after it felt like I was being jammed in my left side.   I couldnt sit because my butt hurt.  I couldnt stand straight cause my side hurt. My breasts were tender and I was naseous. That evening my period began.  It was brown and very blood clotty at first but returned to normal bright red but almost non existant.  I maybe had to wear a pad or tampon for an hour at night cause itd be heavy once and then stop.  Every day. It lasted only 5 days when its usually 8 and came 4 days early.  The feeling of being jammed in my left side again started a few days ago. The day before yesterday my period began.  Brown like the first time and extremely blood clotty this time and extremely heavy. My breasts have been very tender since the first time I felt the pain and the tenderness hasnt subsided at all.  I have been to the e.r.  They couldnt determine what was wrong and I dont have a doctor. Any ideas ladies??