
Hi girls. How are you both doing? I want to get back on the positive train with you both! Danielle is in her fertile week, where are you now Adrienne? I have no clue when my next fertile days are ! The bleeding is lessening now so that's good, I have my follow up tomorrow. I feel like I still don't even know what to ask...any suggestions ?! 
I did what any Depressed irresponsible adult would do and booked a 4 day trip to Disney world. I don't even care that I live paycheck to paycheck and that my husband won't be working for the next 6 months because he's on clinicals .. I NEED something to look forward to and need to be at the happiest place on earth. So in 36 days I'll be with princesses in warm weather lol 
Hope you both are having a fabulous day !xo