AF - A little long

A :)
So this month, like all others, was torture as AF came for another visit. Was hoping I'd get a bfp. Not only was she 4 days late (on a typically 34 day cycle) but she came with a few extra nightmares. My cycle is usually 3-4 medium to heavy day one then light for 2-3 days before going away. I know I'm lucky to have a short one. This time I had brown spotting for 2-3 days then it hit me like a ton of bricks. For 2 days I had very heavy bleeding, unbareable cramps, nausea and serious back pain. I used so much Advil, aleve, tiger balm and feminine aid in the two days. Spent most of that time in tears or close to it and a zombie. Well I woke up this am (day 3) and it's all gone. I'm still tired but no cramps and no blood. So weird how this happened. Not sure if I should just take it and run or be concern be that something may be going on. In the past 18 months or so my cycles have been becoming more painful and irratic each month. 
Has anyone else experienced this? Were you ok after? Anything else going on or just a terrible effect of pcos?