Post your birth stories, teen mommies!

Abigail • Teen Mother too a baby boy 💙💙
This is my birth story. 
My son was due on 8/1/15 & he was also born on his due date. I was 15 years old when I found out I was pregnant & I had him when I was 16. My labor was very short I was 4cm & 90% effaced when I got to the hospital, I was admitted my contractions were 1-2 min apart. I wanted to go all natural, therefore I was told to walk for 45 minutes & then to go to my room. After I walked I went to my room, & the nurse came to check me I was 6cm dilated & my contractions were getting very strong. It was 6:00pm & the doctor came in to brake my water by then my contractions were getting very painful, but still managed to not get medication. At 7:50 the nurse came back once again to check me I was 8cm, like a minute or two went by and I told her I needed to use the bathroom & had the urge to push. She checked me once again and I was crowning, she called the doctor to come fast because I was already pushing. I pushed 4 times and my son was born in those 10 minutes he was born at 8:00pm
I didn't tear or get the epidural. He weighed 6lbs 1oz & 20 inches long. 😻
This was the next day he was born. 😍
He's now 5 months he'll be 6 months next week. He now weighs 20lbs 😇💙