my story •• loss

Cassidy • mommy to a baby born into heaven
December 28th I found out I was pregnant, my first ultrasound was January 25th.. The next day I started spotting, Doctor said it was just from the cervix being bumped by the vaginal ultrasound... Baby had healthy heartbeat Monday of 131 BPM... I passed a blood clot today January 27th so they called me in to do an ultrasound, baby had no heart beat anymore... Idk how this could happen.. Doctor told me there was nothing I could do. she said even if the pregnancy would continue it wouldn't have been a healthy one. I'm 15 & everyone was saying its a sign but I fell in love with my little 7 week 2 day old peanut.. I'm so heartbroken and upset at myself... 💔  so tiny but I was in such a bad place before he/she was my saving grace and I'm just so heartbroken right now it's crazy.. I cry at anything anybody says, Doctor says since I'm so early they're gonna try to let the baby come on its own. if not I will do a D&C in a couple weeks.