I need some advice!

Ok what are the chances of me getting pregnant from my partner ejaculating on my back? Sorry tmi but the semen went down my crack and we are no sure of it went into my vagina or not. We already have a 10 month old baby but we are not ready for another (well my partner isn't and I am haha) I'm not on any contraception and I could just get the morning after pill but I had a period almost 2 weeks ago and I don't want one again just yet😩, I hate periods 🇯🇵. I kinda want another baby anyways, but my partner wants me to take a pill, but I think the chances are like 1% anyways I feel like it so stupid to take a pill for what happened, like the chances of getting pregnant are so small, I would be truely shocked if I got pregnant from this haha, I've been thinking of it this way, if we were trying to conceive and we had sex like that, I would be thinking there's no chance conceiving from that. What are your thoughts? Sorry for the massive post. 😳