So.. what do you guys think?

My husband and I have lived on our own since we got married in 2012 and this past September had to move in with my dad to save money for our baby. We have 2 other littler girls ages 3 and 2. Anyways we move out to his house so my husband could go to school and start full time this fall. Well the problem is, it's a 3bd house about 1600 Sq ft and my younger brothers also live there..17 almost 18 and my 22 year old brother... all 3 smoke, BIG time. And now it's in the house. And no one seems to care at all. And to top it all off the house is now falling apart. I'm so nervous to bring a newborn home just because of the smoke and the fact that there will now be all 5 of us in one room. I asked my husband to talk with his dad about seeing if we can move in with him and he keeps making excuses as to why he doesn't want to do it, like oh my dad is super strict. Or well my dad already has his house set up the way he wants it. I don't think my husband understands the full meaning of second hand smoke in children. It didn't use to be this bad before we move in and I feel like they are just doing it to puss me off so well move out. But we don't have money to afford an apartment again once he starts full time school he won't be able to work and my job doesn't pay enough either. Idk I'm so frustrated and hurt and my emotions are over the place. We only have 10 wks till she's here and I'm freakn out what we are going to do...