Urethral pain but no UTI

I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this: I've been having pain in my urethra with only my first morning urination. It's kind of an achy feeling in my urethra near the end of urination and only in be morning when I have a very full bladder and have been holding it for a long time. It doesn't happen every morning though (if I've gotten up throughout the night to pee.) And a couple days I had rare intermittent sharp pain in my urethra when adjusting my position while sitting or while walking. The first time I had this pain with morning urination at 5w2d I went in and was screened for a UTI but lab testing came back negative. My MD didn't seem very concerned. I'm now 8w and it hasn't gotten worse; I don't have any other symptoms of a UTI and I don't even experience the pain/aching every day. Could it be my uterus growing and pressing on my bladder/urethra? Has anyone else experienced this? I have a prenatal appt in a few days so I'll ask my midwife about it then but just wondering what everyone else's experience has been.