Middle Ground Mamas?

Alana • Las Vegan, early-thirties mama of 2 boys
>> Less extremism! That's my motto right now. FTM trying to figure it all out. I find there are extreme sides at play here with lots of judgement if ALL ideologies aren't in sync. I guess I'll just take the middle ground and do what I feel is right. 
>> I'm not "crunchy" exactly but:
• I want to cloth diaper
• I want to make my own baby food
• I want to breastfeed
• I want less chemicals around my baby
>> I'm not a "by the book" mom either but:
• I want to vaccinate
• I'd love to stay at home
• I don't mind pacifiers
• I am not against an epidural if I feel I need one
• I want all the ultrasounds they'll give me
Anyone else feel like they don't fit on one side or the other? I just want a happy, healthy baby with a bright future. I think we can all agree on that much.