Washing baby clothes question..

Ok I am 33 weeks almost 34 weeks and I am going on a trip for 2 weeks so I wanted to get my bag and my baby's bag packed just in case. I already know she is about 5lbs now so I am assuming she might be born 8lbs or more.. I have 2 gerber baby gowns , a newborn outfit and some other (0-3month) onesies I am going to bring to the hospital for her to go home in / wear there , etc. I also have her carter 0-3 month socks and some mittens too. Should I still wash all of these together? Also , was just wondering if anyone else took a baby blanket to the hospital and if I should wash that with all the clothes. I'm just a confused FTM Iam probably   thinking too much but I have one sample of dreft and another of baby ganics so I wanted to use those to wash her clothes in to get it out of the way. 
Thanks in advance!!!