Who's more at fault ? Drama !

Okay so I believe yesterday or the day before I made a post about how my MIL and SIL have an annoying habit of just taking my baby from my arms, like I'll be holding her and they just pull her out of my arms without asking. Last time they did it was the last straw, I bit my tongue when they both did it to me because I was so close to saying something BUT i didn't I was so mad I wrote down on my notes a paragraph about how they have no manners whatsoever , how they have mouths and should learn to use them and how it's annoying and rude that they do it, I even put that next time they did it i'd say something to them not caring how it came out and that i'll smack their hand away. Okay so I purposely took a picture of what I wrote with my husband's phone and posted it on his snapchat. He came home from visiting them and told me his sister is mad as hell because one of his cousins that saw it texted his sister right away and told her I was talking crap about them so she confronted him about it, he told me he said to her " I don't think she's referring to you guys but i'll talk to her about it " um, I WAS talking about them and I even told him I was and that they always do it and its rude & I don't like it. We have to go over today and I'm waiting to see what happens I don't think they will bring it up but if they do , What the hell is she gonna do , fight me ? 😂 i'm pregnant so that would make her look bad besides shes always talked crap about me behind my back / to my husband but never to my face! So if she wants to say that I do that then so be it , i'm not denying it imma be like mmhmm girl yes I did write that ! 
I hope that gets through their big ass heads and makes them fucken understand to not do it anymore either that or they will purposely do it since they love making me mad. 
I know posting it online made me seem immature but there was really no other way of doing it I mean his sister doesn't even like me as it is and his MIL speaks spanish so she wouldn't understand. I don't care if this makes them hate me even more, they need to learn their manners and respect me, i'm just standing up for myself and my child. They act as if i'm saying I never want them to hold my child what I mean is ASK first before taking her from my arms and if she doesn't want to go then leave her alone and let her warm up to you. 

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