Friday I had my 38 week appointment and I was at 1cm/75%

Friday I had my 38 week appointment and I was at 1cm/75%. Went into labor around 4 or 5 Saturday (1/23), I stayed home until 8:30 and finally decided to get to OB triage. When I got there at about 9pm they told me I was 5cm/90%. At midnight my contractions were coming but not fast enough I was 7cm/100%. At that point my doctor broke my water and gave me some morphine. The contractions started coming fast and painful. I got some fentanyl in my IV and at around 4:30am I couldn't take the pain anymore. I told my mom "I don't wanna do it anymore". I decided not to have an epidural and at that point it was too late. 4 pushes and he was out. January 24, 2016 at 5:42am my love was placed on my chest and I went numb. The room went silent. I was truly in love and the happiest I'd ever been in my life. 
Khai Nathaniel Brown was born weighing 7lbs4oz and 20in long.