High Prolactin levels

Just want to share my experience. I had blood work done when I started ttc. The doctor noticed high Prolactin levels so she recommended I redo the blood work. She told me to fast and have no nipple simulation. Ok that's weird. So the day before my appointment I told my hubby to lay off the boobies and had my last bit of food at 9pm. Well the results showed slightly lower levels but prolactin was still higher then normal. I was supposed to go in for a follow up appointment but decided to wait. So I waited until my next period and told my hubby sorry but the girls are off limits until next month to see what happens. Well sure enough I took my ovulation kit test and when I got the smiley face we got busy.. happy to announce that 3 weeks later I got a bfp!!! I am now 7 weeks 5 days :) I wanted to share this because I couldn't find anything about it online.